Thank you for a great 2018! We were fortunate to have nice weather which allowed us to move from one project to the next as fast as possible! We worked from the stretches of Wausau to Rome, Niellsville to Stevens Point.
Emerald Ash Borer continues to be a looming problem for our surrounding communities, remember to inject your ash trees this coming spring! Spruce trees suffered heavy losses this year due to our snowfall in April. The wet conditions allowed fungal disease to thrive, prompting us to remove many wind breaks due to dieback. We continue to prune many Autumn Blaze maples, their growth rate is incredible!
We took part in many Kid’s Climb events throughout the state this year, most notably at Farm Tech Days in Marshfield. An approved structure was erected and we donated hours of time and equipment to ensure the event ran smoothly. Keep your eye out for more great Kid’s Climb events in 2019!
Thank you again for a great 2018! We look forward to serving our great communities for years to come!