Taking the top out of a dead white pine on an island. Nov. 2018
Thank you for a great 2018! We were fortunate to have nice weather which allowed us to move from one project to the next as fast as possible! We worked from the stretches of Wausau to Rome, Niellsville to Stevens Point.
Emerald Ash Borer continues to be a looming problem for our surrounding communities, remember to inject your ash trees this coming spring! Spruce trees suffered heavy losses this year due to our snowfall in April. The wet conditions allowed fungal disease to thrive, prompting us to remove many wind breaks due to dieback. We continue to prune many Autumn Blaze maples, their growth rate is incredible!
We took part in many Kid’s Climb events throughout the state this year, most notably at Farm Tech Days in Marshfield. An approved structure was erected and we donated hours of time and equipment to ensure the event ran smoothly. Keep your eye out for more great Kid’s Climb events in 2019!
Thank you again for a great 2018! We look forward to serving our great communities for years to come!
This tree had some giant roots severed due to new construction being done. We received a phone call from one of our previous clients asking if we could remove the trees ASAP due to the concrete being poured the next day. Luckily, we were able to cancel a job and rush to the site so we could remove these trees before a brand new garage was sitting directly below them. Be sure to identify any trees that may be in the way when planning your new project!
The secret behind leaving your yard looking better than before we came is our commitment to having turf friendly equipment. Unless hazardous, all our trees are professionally climbed by an ISA Certified Arborist®. The material is removed from the yard by our small mini articulating loader, which has large turf tires to disperse the weight. If preferred, we can control each piece to the ground using ropes. This method allows us to gently place each piece on the ground and place the branch in the preferred direction. Give us a call to see what we can do for you!
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was confirmed in several counties throughout central WI in the past couple of years. EAB is a devastating pest that is causing most ash trees to die, similar to the caliber of Dutch Elm Disease of the 1970’s-1980’s. The first signs of EAB are woodpecker damage in the upper canopy of the tree, followed by tip dieback in the crown. Look for bark “blonding” to occur, which occurs from the woodpeckers looking for the EAB larva. As the tree health declines, you’ll begin to see epicormic sprouting and cracks throughout the tree. At this point, the odds of your tree living are slim to none. One option to preserve your tree is trunk injection, Arborjet has introduced the Tree I.V method. Holes are drilled into the base of the tree and the chemical TREE-äge® is uptaken through transpiration. The best time for the injection is spring time!
We’ve had some busy weekends this summer helping out at various kid’s climb events throughout the state. In our small central WI area, we’ve had over 700 kids and some adults up in the trees! The kid’s climbs are put on to raise awareness about the Wisconsin Arborist Association as well as bring to light the importance of proper tree work! Watch for another local event and get your kid’s to reach new heights!
Taking down towering white pines in a graveyard isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of fun, but we found it rather entertaining! This job was months in the making, with a few different visits to the site to prepare a game plan.
The trees were located directly in the middle of the cemetery, meaning there was no lift access, so they had to be brought down by a climber. A crane may be used in this situation; however, a very large crane would have been needed and we were trying to keep the expense as low as possible for the church. We worked directly over several headstones, many of them with dates that could no longer be read.
Each tree was pieced down to about 15 feet before we could drop the trunk. One of the trunks had a World War 2 veteran buried directly under it, so we had to build a barricade of logs to protect his resting place. Amazingly, each of the trees had a fair amount of decay in them! We’re glad we could provide our services to help take down these old growth pines, enjoy the video!
Recently we removed a large silver maple and found a chunk of concrete inside! Many years ago, it was believed that putting concrete in open wounds would help “seal” the tree, thus preventing further spread of decay; however, studies show that leaving a tree do its natural CODIT process is the best for sealing the tree. Read the full story of our large maple removal at www.facebook.com/haastreecarellc.
We recently returned from the WAA Conference in Green Bay! It’s a 3 day conference with speakers from across the country, keeping us up to date on the latest trends in the industry. A trade show floor also offers the opportunity to see the latest in tree gear, allowing us to be safer and more efficient. WAA is a great event that we look forward to each year!
THANK YOU! This was our first full year in business and it went better than I could have dreamed! We were able to purchase a GIANT 254t mini articulating loader, which has opened the door to many new possibilities for us. We’ve also made some great connections in the tree care industry, which resulted in us traveling throughout the state to do some climbing! The highlight of this year was helping the City of Wisconsin Rapids inject nearly 100 ash trees to help prevent Emerald Ash Borer. We look forward to what 2018 holds!
In early November, we attended the Tree Care Industry Association expo in Columbus, Ohio! It’s the world’s largest tree care show and conference! TCI is a great way to network with arborists from across the globe as well as stay up to date with the latest information in the green industry. It was our second time attending and we will surely be back!
ISA Certified Arborist® serving Wisconsin Rapids, Marshfield, Stevens Point, Wausau, and surrounding communities. 715-451-2709